Hunzukutz or Brusho, the inhabitants of Hunza,have there distinct history, culture, traditions, rites and rituals and are well known for open-mindedness and Hospitality. There are many theori -es about the origin of the Hunzukutz or Brusho. One of them is that they are the off springs of the six soldiers of Alexander the Great's army who lost their way in return and they opted to settle here in around 300BC. One presumption is that the Hunzukut came from Central Asian regions and among them were mostly people who either offended their own law or involved in any social crime; and the Hunza proved for them a heaven as a shelter. According to few archaeologists and Historians White Huns, Chinese invaders are the descendants of people of Hunza, locally called Hunzukutz or Brusho. Another legend says that the Brusho came from the Northwestern India into present Hunza via Gilgit route as an invaders.

Many people think that the word Hunza is the combination of two wards: Hun & Za.The meaning of Hun is the Bow and Za refers to Arrow. Commonly people think that the Hunza valley is looks like the shape of bow & arrow .Therefore they took the name Hunza.In Brushaski language (the local language of central Hunza or Proper Hunza) for Bowand Arrow we called Hunzsu niza. The Word Hunza is similar to that Burushaski word. More than five hundred of years it was ruled by a Prince until it came under control of British in October, 1891 after Nag Campaign and the ruler or prince escaped to China. The British given Hunza status of Princely state and ceded it to the local prince who was subjected to pay a certain amount as tribute, a tax on the area to conquerors. Finally the area got independence through a mutiny led by Army officials of Dogra forces suported by both soldiers and local population. In short, the origin of Hunza valley is obscured by legend: may be an offshoot of Trakhun Dynasty of Gilgit. From a marriage of royal cousins of the dynasty, one of the son Girkis became the ruler of Hunzukutz, the inha bitants of Hunza. The Mirs of Hunza sent an annual tribute to the Kashmir Darbar(a Persian term meaning Shah's noble Court until 1947. Through out in history people of Hunza have been known for their hospitality,generosity, modesty, courage, loyality and valour.
The first awarness among the people about euducation and learning came by 1960's when Prince Karim Aga Khan, the spritual leader of Ismaili Muslim community visited this backward area griped tightly into extreme poverty. His arrival proved a blessing to the destiny of the dwellers. People who were living in extreme conditions started to see their good days when His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan introduced Diamond Jublee Schools on the occasion of Diamond Jublee celebrations.

Today much has been changed ranging from the way the people live, the level of awareness about socio -economic and technological advancement due to introduction of education facilities. According to a recent survey approximately ninety percent out of total population is literate in Hunza. People enjoy to celebrate traditions, rites, ritual combined with the taste of modern trends.

Gradually the trend of kids to play games in their leisure with dolls made from mud transforme into playing with new tools: computer and simulation machines. Hunza kids are now much inclined towards learning balancing the requirement in the meterial and spritual world.
Vow, Very nice to see a wonderfurl team work you have done here. But you need to add more gerous Hunza people. Appreciable..Keep it up.
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